There are many ongoing environmental researches to monitor factors influencing the health of aquatic ecosystems. Several collaborations with the Desert Research Center were established to monitor environmental factors.
Key markers for monitoring aquatic ecosystems include:
Biological indicators:
Monitoring flora, fish health, and benthic invertebrates (aquatic bugs).
Physical indicators:
Tracking the frequency of floods and water levels.
Chemical indicators:
Evaluating the quality of the water.
Educational Trip to Dahab
An educational trip to Dahab was conducted to measure environmental indicators in South Sinai.
Courses Related to the Health of Aquatic Ecosystems
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine offers the following courses:
AMD531 Aquatic Animal Medicine
AMD501 Diagnosis of Aquatic Animal Disease
Disease Prevention by Cleaning the Marine Environment
KSIU students participate in activities to clean the environment in South Sinai.
Nabq Beach Cleanup Project
Organized by students of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality.
Main plan:
Use three types of bags to collect waste and separate it into:
Primary Objective:
Raise awareness for further beach clean-ups.
Promote the preservation of our green world.
Courses Related to the Health of Aquatic Ecosystems
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine offers the following courses:
AMD531 Aquatic Animal Medicine
AMD501 Diagnosis of Aquatic Animal Disease
Disease Prevention by Cleaning the Marine Environment
KSIU students participate in activities to clean the environment in South Sinai.
Nabq Beach Cleanup Project
Organized by students of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality.
Main plan:
Use three types of bags to collect waste and separate it into:
Primary Objective:
Raise awareness for further beach clean-ups.
Promote the preservation of our green world.
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