KSIU Accepting Transfers for Egyptian Students Coming from Ukraine
Implementing the latest directions of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, regrading studying the conditions of Egyptian students studying in Ukraine, and finding solutions to help those students who wish to transfer to Egyptian universities. Also taking into account the exceptional circumstances that Ukraine is currently facing, and in the interest of the future of these students, King Salman International University announces A limited number of vacancies are available in its different faculties for first and second-year students, as follows:
- Faculty Medicine and Surgery
- Faculty of Dentistry
- Faculty of Pharmacy
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Desert Agriculture
- Faculty of Administrative Sciences
- Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality
- Faculty of Basic Sciences
- Faculty of Art and Design
- Faculty of Al-Alsun and Applied Languages
Admission Requirements
- Students must be enrolled in a Ukrainian university before the outbreak of events on February 24, 2022.
- To accept the transfer of students to practical majors in private universities, they must pass the courses eligible for these majors in the General Secondary Certificate or equivalent certificates, and the student must submit a high school certificate or equivalent certificate that proves this.
- A test is conducted for the students in the courses they studied through a central test for students applying to faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy in the faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy at Cairo University, and for students applying for Dentistry and Engineering at the faculties of Dentistry and Engineering at Ain Shams University, to determine the student’s academic level. As for other scientific disciplines, the students are tested at the university that the student chooses to attend.
- Students apply to the university after completing the required exam for level determination.
- Students must complete the placement test for university on the dates specified by the university.
- Students can not transfer between universities in case he is accepted in another university.
Required Documents:
- Submit proof of actual residence while studying in Ukraine before 24/2/2022 by all means of proof.
- High school certificate or an equivalent.
- A certificate of determining the results from Cairo University or Ain Shams University.
- A certificate of the courses he studied and their scientific content to make a scientific clearing for the student to determine the academic level.
- An acknowledgement signed by the student and the guardian to bring the course certificate within 3 months in case it is not currently available.
- In the event that it is not possible to submit the course certificate within a period of three months, the transfer decision becomes null.