KSIU Conducts Research into Technologies to Calculate Water Consumption of Olive Trees
For the first time in Egypt, a team from KSIU conducted research into smart digital technologies
To calculate the water consumption of olive trees using the Sapflow device, the team seeks to apply it in South Sinai Governorate.
For his part, Professor Dr. Abdel-Ghani El-Gendy, Dean of the Faculty of Desert Agriculture, confirmed that this achievement came in cooperation between researchers from KSIU and researchers from the South Sinai Research Station (Ras Sidr) – Desert Research Center – Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation and with funding from the Academy of Scientific Research. Where the researchers conducted a study using the latest digital device to calculate the water consumption of olive trees. Dr. El Gendy stressed that this step comes in line with Egypt’s plans to introduce the smart irrigation system in the national projects to reclaim and cultivate 4 million acres. The actual water consumption for managing the system has been estimated, which contributes to increasing productivity and maximizing Water unit productivity.
Professor Dr. Ashraf Saad Hussein, President of KSIU, stressed the University’s constant endeavor to support research projects that would provide all support services to the surrounding community. His Excellency pointed to the ongoing cooperation between the University and the Desert Research Center to organize training courses for students of the Faculty of Desert Agriculture and graduates of agricultural technical schools in the South Governorate. As well as helping the development groups, and farmers to improve and develop the irrigation system on their farms, and then it will be deployed throughout the republic.