The 4th International Autumn School for Interdisciplinary Computing Studies

Under the supervision of Prof. Ashraf Saad Hussein, President of KSIU, and as a part of the Egyptian- German cooperation project funded by DAAD, KSIU is hosting the 4th International Autumn School for Interdisciplinary Computing Studies.
The event will include:-
Lectures for those who are interested in the interdisciplinary applications of artificial intelligence and cognitive science, delivered by Egyptian and foreign academics and experts from prestigious universities and international companies (such as Google and IBM).
Unique opportunities to learn about employment and skill areas in addition to Q&A sections with lecturers and experts from around the world.
A cultural, social, and entertaining day in Sharm El-Sheikh and group dinner for the participants.
Judging the finals of the second edition of the summer cooperative programming competition "JESICS Hackathon 2021", which continued this summer, announcing winners and the closing ceremony.