Prof. Abdelghani Elgendi
Basic Sciences
The Faculty of Science at King Salman International University seeks distinction on the local, regional and international levels in the fields of basic sciences and scientific research, which contributes to building a knowledge society in an effective academic environment.
To provide university education with academic accreditation to obtain high-quality output in basic sciences and scientific research that meets the needs of the labor market, provides community services and distinctive applied research, supports self-financing in line with the changes surrounding the local community and activates the local and regional partnership using modern administrative, scientific, technical and knowledge- related methods.
Being honest and ethical in all interactions, maintaining the highest ethical standards in teaching, research, public engagement and service.
Encouraging and promoting excellence through innovation and creativity, rigour and pragmatism.
A clear strategic plan with practical dimensions that will raise the level of education and learning and produce prestigious research.
Provide high-quality programs following international standards for education and learning in the fields of education and academic research.
Engaging others with respect, openness and trust in pursuit of a common purpose, having regard for individuals, ideals and the institution as a whole.
Develop the spirit of innovation, initiative and excellence, and the application of the best global practices in all university activities.
The Petroleum Chemistry program is designed to prepare graduates with the sound theoretical and practical knowledge required for the development of the petroleum and petrochemical sector.
Marine biology is one of the most comprehensive programs. It the study of the world’s aquatic organisms and the ecosystems they inhabit.
The program deals with studying biological diversity and conservation of genetic resources through gene banks for animals, plants and microorganisms.
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