Faculty of Al-Alsun and Applied Languages
Dr. Riham Abdalla Ahmed Tahoun is currently working as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts – Helwan University and Department Head at Faculty of Al-Alsun and Applied Linguistics, King Salman International University in Sharm El-Sheikh. She was granted at 2004-2006 a PHD scholarship from the DAAD at the Göttingen University in Germany and received many research scholarships from the DAAD. She is trainer of trainers at the Goethe Institute and the DAAD Kairoer Akademie and interpreter (German-Arabic) and is working as certified translator for the German Embassy in Cairo. She has long experience in the field of German as Foreign Language, E-Learning and Translation and is a staff member of the joint Master degree (Teaching German as a Foreign Language) between the Ain Shams University and the Leipzig University. She is furthermore a member of numerous professional bodies such as Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG), Mittelmeer-Südeuropa-Germanistik (MSEG), Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Germanistik (GIG). She is a member of the selection committees for many scholarship programs of the DAAD.
German Literature Studies
Comparative Literatur Studies
Translation and Simultaneous Interpreting
Teaching German as a Second Language
Active Programs Director
Academic Advisor
Member of the Mitigating Circumstances on University level
Member of the Exams Board at the Al-Alsun Faculty approving the final exams
Member of the Exams Controle
Tahoun, Riham 2021:Das Unfreisein des Erinnerns oder Die Macht des Augenblicks in Marlene Streeruwitz’ Morire in levitate. In: Yvonne Nilges (Hg.): Frei-Zeit in der Gegenwartsliteratur. Wissensordnungen im Wandel
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag.
Tahoun, Riham 2020: Interdiskursive und intertextuelle Verflechtungen in Navid Kermanis „Zwischen Koran und Kafka. West-östliche Erkundungen“ 2014. In: Cornejo, Renata; Weinberg, Manfred u. Schiewer, Gesine Lenore (Hg.): Vielfältige Konzepte – Konzepte der Vielfalt: Interkulturalität(en) weltweit. Bielefeld: transcript.
Tahoun, Riham 2019: Multiperspektivität der Flucht in Maxi Obexers „Wenn gefährliche Hunde lachen“ 2011, Daniel Zipfels „Eine Handvoll Rosinen“ 2015 und Emad Blakes „Mama Merkel“ 2016. In: Bauer, Matthias; Nies, Martin u.a (Hg.) 2019: Grenz-Übergänge. Zur ästhetischen Darstellung von Flucht und Exil, Transcript-Reihe „Interkulturalität. Studien zu Sprache, Literatur und Gesellschaft“.
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