
Translation; from Passion to Professionalism- Live Webinar

Under the patronage of Prof. Ashraf Hussien, KSIU President, The Faculty of Alsun and Applied languages is holding a new Sunday webinar “Translation; from Passion to Professionalism”.  The Webinar will be given by several esteemed linguistics professors;  Dr. Ola Abdelgwad - Cultural Counselor of Egypt in Austria and a Professor at The Faculty of Alsun, Ain Shams University  Dr. Yasser Shadad - Freelance translator and editor at General Secretariat of the United Nations and Prof. of French language at The Faculty of Alsun, Ain Shams University  Dr. Wafaa Abdelraoff - Professor of Italian Language at the Faculty of Literature, Helwan University.  The webinar will be held on Sunday the 12th of December.